Wall Sheathing

Is It Okay to Wall Sheathing before the Roof? All You Need to Know!

The sheathing is the outside covering or casing that construction workers use to cover the building. But many of us don’t know or are confused about where to start.

So is it okay to do wall sheathing before the roof?

It is strongly advised to sheath the roof before installing wall girts. If you sheath the wall first, You might damage the wall sheathing. While sheathing the roof the Wall sheathing might get dirty or damaged accidentally. You can avoid this from happening if you sheath the wall first.

We have elaborated on these and also a whole guide to sheathing your walls and roof. Keep reading and give yourself a treat!

Why Should You Sheath The Roof First?

Sheathing the roofs is often less complex than doing the walls. And much easier than epoxying the garage floor. 

Rafters or trusses form the “skeleton” of a roof. They are approximately 16 to 24 inches apart. Roofers employ sheathing to fill up these gaps and support the rafters. 

This holds the roof together and provides a more sturdy foundation for the shingles to connect to. While Sheathing for walls is typically utilized for structural reasons. It keeps the walls from wobbling or bending by being connected to the outside wall frame. 

By acting as a platform for siding nails, sheathing is a tool employed by builders to build a structure’s walls. Sheathing the roof first might not change the world but in some cases, it can make the job easier for you.

How to Sheath the Roof First?

The sheathing is also known as sheeting or decking on a roof. It refers to the wooden planks that will ultimately support the shingles while constructing a roof. To offer another layer of support, the sheathing boards are connected to the roof’s trusses and joints.

It’s similar to putting together a giant puzzle when sheathing a roof. After you’re done with your sheathing on the roof, you can move on and finish sheathing your wall. 

We’ve broken down the process into discrete steps to help you get it right the first time.

Step 1: Take your Measurements

Measure the angles and lengths for your roofing project. By this point, you need to have a clear understanding of the whole surface you’re working with. 

Start your measurement collection with absolutely straight edges. As you move closer to the roof ridge, the error will get exponentially greater if even one figure is slightly off.

Step 2: Place the First Piece Near The Roof’s Edge

The most important stage in the sheathing process is precisely laying the first sheet of plywood on the roof. The first piece of sheathing should be positioned closest to the edge and corner.

Check that everything is straight and your measurements are flush. As soon as you’re satisfied with the appearance, go to step three.

Step 3: Secure the First Sheet

Carefully place nails and secure the first sheet. Tracing is a short-term fix for keeping your roof sheathing in place. In step four, work on the second piece of sheathing.

Step 4: Place the Second Piece

Aligning the second piece against the edge of the roof is all that is necessary to set down the piece after the first piece is straight and flat. You will notice if this component does not lay flat or is uneven. 

Step 5: Install the Upcoming Rows of Sheathing

The remainder of the project should proceed without a hitch because your initial row of sheets was installed straight. Keep laying down and tacking in the sheathing. then repeat the process for the whole roof.

You will have overhang around the edges or ridges of the roof. You can remove these sections with a handsaw or jigsaw. Mitler saw might not cut all the way through.

You obviously want to ensure that the cut is straight. There you should have your roof properly sheathed.

Now That you’re done with Sheathing your roof, you can move on to sheathing your walls. 

How to Sheath Walls After The Roof?

You can sheath your walls similar to the roof. But you have to decide if you want t sheath horizontally or vertically. 

Horizontal Sheathing

Determine how much of the mudsill the sheathing will need to overhang. Draw a chalk line 4 feet away across the wall studs to install sheathing horizontally, The sheathing should be lined with the chalk line. 

The end seams should be spread apart so they don’t line up, and the sheathing should be fastened to the studs. Install blocking to support horizontal seams if local codes allow it.

Vertical Sheathing

Any sort of wall sheathing must extend from the first rim joists to the mudsills’ lower border. The sheathing is nailed to the mudsills to establish a structural link between the walls and the foundation. 

Calculate the overhang from the top of the deck to the bottom of the mudsill. Then, using a tape measure, extend this distance past the bottom plate and up to the 10-foot line. 

After marking both ends of the wall in this fashion, attach a chalk line to the rim joist above the wall to use as a guide for laying the top edge of the sheathing.

Here I have gathered some wall-sheathing materials you might like. Check them out!

Product 1
Product 2

These are all well-reviewed products and are from certified brands. Might just be the one you’re looking for.


How deep should sheathing go?

To provide for a continuous band of insulation, the wall sheathing should reach underneath the rim joist. The overhang is determined by the wall sheathing below. It measures around 9 inches.

Is it necessary to stagger sheathing?

Panels should be staggered by at least two supports. The rough surface side of the OSB should be facing up during installation. This rough side is screened or has a skid-resistant coating. At the ends and edges, the panels should be spaced 1/8-inch apart.

Which side of the sheathing should be visible?

When installation in vertical applications like wall sheathing, the smooth or stamped side should face out. The smooth surface is more resistant to moisture and hence performs better in adverse weather conditions.


Now you know if it is okay to do wall sheathing before the roof. Always pick the best materials for sheathing for the best outcome. 

Hope this article could help you with your questions. 

Till next time, best of luck!

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