double socket one side not working

Double Socket One Side Not Working [ Reasons And Solutions]


Wall sockets may be damaged due to a myriad of reasons. And in many scenarios, one side of a double socket might not work. This problem is very tough to solve. So, we have come up with the reasons behind this problem and the solutions as well. 

Why is my double socket one side not working?

The double socket is a base plate connected to two different conductive panels. One side of the sockets might fail to work because of different reasons. The wires might have short-circuited. Or the inner plastic body might have melted causing damage to the copper conductors.

In this article, we have prepared a detailed view. So that you can understand the reasons and the solutions easily.

Reasons Behind One Side Of The Socket Not Working

The reasons behind one side of the double socket not working may be of two major categories.

One is a problem with the wiring. And the other is a problem with the conductors. 

Wiring Problem

Problem due to the wires is basically a disconnectivity problem. If the wires are not connected properly, there might be a major chance of the socket not working.

This may occur when the wires are burnt off due to a short circuit. It can also happen when foreign objects interfere and tear the wiring. 

Conductor Problem

The second problem which is the issue with the conductors is a little complex. The entire socket has copper conductors at the base. These receive and give out electricity. Being made of copper, the main issue with them is they get covered with foreign materials.

If any outside material covers the copper conductors, they cannot function. Because the electricity flow is interrupted. Even detecting this problem requires opening the socket. Which may require drills or screwdrivers. So, have your drills charged up.

You may need good tools to do such delicate jobs. So, we have suggested good screwdrivers for you. 

Product 1
Product 2

Now that you know the reasons behind one side of the socket not working. Let us discuss the solutions.

Solutions Behind One Side Not Working

As discussed previously there might be two primary reasons for this problem. We have detailed the steps to fix both of the problems. And they are as follows.

Wiring Solution

The first thing we must do is turn off the electricity. So, that we can disconnect the sockets from the wall without hurting ourselves. Now we must check which part of the double-side is not working.

After we have made sure which side of the double-side is not working we can go to work. We will have to remove the socket base plate from the wall.

To do this we must carefully unscrew the screws and then remove the socket completely. After this, we will notice the wires attached to the hot wire screws inside the socket. 

We will have to look for the point of disconnection. So, that we can reconnect or reattach it with the socket. If it is not locatable with our naked eye, it might be behind the wall. For this, we can use a Franklin M150 to locate the point of disconnection.

So, after locating the point of disconnection we can reconnect the wires using pliers. In many cases, external wires may be required.

 And after this, we will reattach the socket to the wall and see if it works or not. Surely, if the problem is wiring related the socket will work.

Conductor Solution

The work behind fixing the conductor is a little bit more complicated. First, we must disconnect the electricity. Now we must check which part of the double-side is not working.

After we have made sure which side of the double-side is not working we can go to work. We will have to remove the socket base plate from the wall.

To do this we must carefully unscrew the screws and then remove the socket completely. After this, we will notice the wires attached to the hot wire screws inside the socket.

Now after checking the wiring, if we are certain the problem isn’t there. We must check the conductor. To do this we must disconnect the wires from the hot wire screws. 

Then we must open the hot wire screws completely. Using good screwdrivers is advised.

Remove the socket faceplate completely and you will notice the conductor base plates. The base plates are attached with earthing covers to avoid fires. But you will have to remove them to see if there are any intrusions to the conductors.

Remove the external covers. Then remove the conductor cups. Now you will see the face of the conductors. These are in charge of the main electricity conduction.

There may be any manner of materials causing the problem. It can be plastic that has melted from the socket body. It can also be dust or other materials.

We must clean the conductor plates properly. You can use any industrial-grade cleaners. But using non-chlorinated brake cleaners is advised.

After cleaning the blockage you can put the socket back together.

And after this, we will reattach the socket to the wall and see if it works or not. Surely, if the problem is conductor-related the socket will work.


Question: Is it possible for half of an outlet to become bad?

Answer: Yes, half of an outlet can go out of date. A faulty outlet might be caused by a defective connection, old wiring, or a tripped circuit breaker.

Question: What causes the electricity to go out in half of the house?

Answer: A tripped breaker is the most likely cause. This can happen if the electrical circuit is overloaded. Or if the system is short-circuited by malfunctioning equipment or a damaged cord.

Question: Why is it that an outlet has two hot wires?

Answer: Because the outlets are daisy-chained together, there are numerous hot/neutral wires for each outlet. This indicates that the hot/neutral signal is only coming from one of the wires and is being relayed to the other.


As a conclusion, to wrap up this article, we believe that it was helpful in addressing your concerns. This article covers all you need to know about double socket one side not working. Also, we hope you enjoyed our content.

So, till next time, good luck!

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